Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I am looking for a new favorite blush product. I usually just wear Sephora, but I am getting sick of the glittery kind. I look way too chilidish and Halloween doesn't happen every single day. Bleh. I want something pink, natural, and accentuates my tone. I don't know where to look though. Everything seems too overpriced. Maybe Revlon? haha.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Revlon Lipstick. YES!

Gloria told me about the Revlon shine lipstick today. I tried hers at lunch and by 2, I was getting compliments from my crush. I think it worked its magic. However, all the colors are too dark. My mom claims I look 10 years older and am trying too hard to be the next Madonna. Should I try a lighter shade in a different cosmetic line or just ignore her? Maybe she is right. I want the perfect lipstick for my crush. Thanks Revlon....I'll keep ya.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Lipstick Favorites

I love the lipstick at the Filenes makeup counter. I'm not sure if it is a special company or not, but the deep reds are BEAUTIFUL. I had a makeover there today and it surprisingly went well. I didn't actually think I'd come out of there looking normal. I tend to see women leaving the counter as if they had just encountered a clown. Surprising, I know. I think I may actually apply for a job there.